The boulder reefs that dominate the Taranaki coastline provide ideal habitat for reef herons.
Report a SightingNZ Threat Classification: Nationally endangered.
NZ Population: Only 300 to 500 birds.
Habitat: Rocky shoreline and estuaries.
Food: Small fish, crustaceans and worms.
Nest: September to December.
Main threats: Coastal development and disturbance by people/dogs.
ID Tip: Looks like white-faced heron. Reef heron has yellow eyes and bill. White-faced heron has a white face (adult) and black eyes and bill.
The Project Hotspot team has discovered that individual reef herons can be identified by their distinctive leg markings. As a result, nine different reef herons have been identified in Taranaki to date and we have been able to track their movements around the Taranaki coastline.