Pods of orca are sighted at least several times a year in Taranaki coastal waters. In the past these sightings have often been poorly documented leading to fragmented records.
Report a SightingNZ Threat Classification: Nationally critical.
NZ Population: Less than 200.
Behaviour: Typically seen in family groups or pods.
Habitat: Prefer deeper water but can be found in shallow water when feeding.
Food: Diverse diet. NZ orcas most commonly feed on rays.
Main threats: Boat strikes and pollution (including noise).
ID Tip: Adult males have massive dorsal fins up to 2m high. Adult females have smaller, more curved dorsal fins.
ID Tip: Orca can have distinctive marks which are useful for ID.
More info: www.orcaresearch.org
Rules to follow when orca watching: http://www.doc.govt.nz/nature/native-animals/marine-mammals/sharing-our-coasts-with-marine-mammals/
Animation: Orca sightings on Waitangi Day 8 Feb 2016